Always Sunny In Paris
Many years back, a friend of mine showed me these amazing "transformer" sunglasses he bought in a second-hand store. They...
It’s a state of mind
Unbeknownst to most (if not all) my interest in fashion has actually spanned decades. I've always thought it's cool to...
Summer Rosé
Summer summer summer Came and went On the back of a breeze We travelled within a train's rib cage to...
On and on (and on)
I've never been a runner, except when running home from school to watch cartoons. There was a short stint in 2012...
Searching for something suitable
In March Natalie and I journeyed out to La Vallée Village, a collection of luxury fashion retail stores located 35 minutes outside...
Dressed in Cashmere
My experience of cashmere was previously limited to a Prince song, but recently with Natalie's encouragement I've taken the plunge and bought...
“Find your cologne before you turn thirty. Wear it for the next thirty years”
Sage advice as written (albeit slightly paraphrased) within "How To Be Parisian Wherever You Are" and recommended by Natalie, alas...