Remember we've talked about those all important wardrobe essentials ? Well let's talk more specifically about finding the classic timeless...
Fashion, blogs, Vogue
La rentrée came and went and with it a significant lack of sleep and motivation, none of which were for...
Dear Friends
Thank you for your support and loyal following. It seems all I had to do was welcome you to join...
Let’s Talk
Though words don't come easy. However, if you have visited this blog in the past then you have most probably...
When In Chantilly
It’s been an intense few weeks lately back in Paris, though the city has emptied for Summer it is very...
The 8mm Films of Vivian Maier
Good morning readers, it's finally the weekend ! Thank you for your overwhelming support this week and for coming back...
Just Girls
And thankfully not an L plate or inflatable willy in sight ! Beautiful silver heart balloons and black kitten ears?
Love x Style x Life
Okay, so I have another confession to make ... I am ashamed to admit it ... but I got into...
Consider This …
footwear that puts a spring in your step ! It does really exist and it only means one thing; I...
I found love in Paris
but is it time to move on now ? Take a look at any sugar coated instagram image of Paris and...