
Living in clips together

So it’s about time to get somewhat more personal and officially introduce you to my greatest love …

Matt …

Just moments after finding out his name our conversation happened a little something like this:

Me : “What do you do for a living?”

Matt : “I’m a graphic designer and web developer”

Me : “ughhh, I have to figure out how to build my website for Riachi Studio (face palm) today do you know anything about that? Could you help a little?”

Matt : “Sure!! let’s get started”

And so we did. We worked on it all day together side by side, this charming stranger and I, until we had officially opened the holding page for Riachi Studio at midnight that first day of meeting. I was a little surprised at his kindness, dedication and support for Riachi Studio so soon after meeting but it seems I met a rare kind of man. One that continued to help me build my dream for months on end, from the other side of the world (Australia) when he should have been sleeping. He was dedicated through it all, understanding, full of never ending ideas, support and best of all full of growing love and adoration (and so was I).

Fast forward a year or so (I will leave out all the sentimental love stuff, but you get the idea) into building our lives and our passions together to the present day and with Matt’s growing interest in all things fashion-related we have since worked on a few projects together that I have already talked about on the blog: there was the De Bijenkorf embroidery project, and then the Living in Clips website redesign. You may have already noticed his name credited on some photos as he has been enjoying his role as Instagram husband boyfriend so far. Like I said, I have found a rare kind of man … The best kind ! Blah Blah Blah … I know things are getting a bit too sentimental now so let’s get back to the point I was going to make.

So it seemed only a natural progression that with all this collaboration Matt should join me on Living In Clips as a contributing voice (and silly sense of humor), offering his perspective on men’s fashion & lifestyle topics, and together we will share our articles on countries, places and events we travel to.  Along with this new online partnership we’ve come up with the She Said | He Said feature which displays articles Matt and myself have written about the same topic side-by-side. This way we can explore and express our similar and differing opinions as a personal and interesting dynamic for you to read and enjoy. We hope you will join us.

You can now read Matt’s first article on finding his cologne right here.