Living in Clips redesigned !
I am just so excited to announce and share with you the beautiful new design of Living in Clips dot com. Matt at LVL99 and I have collaborated on the new minimal design for a few months, shaping it into exactly the way we want it. There is now a big emphasis on the lovely photography my collaborators and I have taken over the years. The revised website layout also makes it easier to browse through and read the articles within.
I have taken a great deal of time away from the blog to work on my label Riachi Studio (among other projects). With so many new ideas and posts in the pipeline I’m planning to blog on a more full time basis. I will also be focusing on writing about independent local designers and makers from the UK, and showcasing not only fashion finds but also other things, people and places that interest me too. I will continue to share my essential wardrobe suggestions with you and offer tips and insights on what to invest in and how to be a more responsible and conscious consumer.
So, to all my readers old and new … thanks for visiting! Enjoy exploring the new site and let us know if there is anything you would like to hear more about or any little bugs that need fixing.
Post Details
How To Be Parisian Wherever You Are
Man Repeller: Seeking Love. Finding Overalls.
Photo Credit